Ireland summer program canceled after low enrollment

By William Seekamp | February 23, 2020 6:46pm

Studies Abroad canceled the program to Ireland this summer due to low enrollment. Photo illustration by Jennifer Ng.

Studies Abroad has canceled its program to Ireland this summer because it did not meet the minimum enrollment. This is the second program slated to run for this summer that has been canceled after the Morocco program was canceled last month.

“Studies Abroad worked with the provider to try and reduce the budget for a smaller group,” Kallan Picha, director of Studies Abroad, said. “But (we) could not maintain our high health, safety, and academic standards within the financial constraints of only six students enrolling.”

Sophomore Joe Judge, who was supposed to go on the Ireland program is disappointed by its cancellation because he centered his plans this summer around studying abroad. 

“I kind of made a lot of my plans for the summer based on studying abroad, so I really don't want to (not study abroad this summer) … because then I'll have to switch out my plans,” Judge said. “I’m probably gonna apply to London, but we'll see.”

If the student chooses not to participate in another program they will receive a full refund on their deposit. 

Picha said that she does not anticipate any other programs being canceled.

William Seekamp is a reporter for The Beacon. He can be reached at