Water restored to dorms after pipe break

By The Beacon | February 24, 2014 6:42pm

Kelsey Thomas and Clare Duffy |

Update: Water service was restored shortly after 4 p.m. Monday. Career Services is still displaced from Orrico Hall, and is holding drop-in hours in the Library in rooms 106 and 107 through Feb. 28.

A main water line on campus by Orrico Hall was broken at approximately 11:10 Monday morning, causing flooding of the first floor of Orrico Hall and the need to shut off water in several residence halls and other buildings.

According to an email from Interim Vice President for University Relations Laurie Kelley, Corrado Hall, LP Tennis Center, Mago Hunt, Mehling Hall, Orrico Hall, Physical Plant and Villa Maria Hall were without water. The rest of campus also saw some effects of the break, such as brown water in toilets or sinks. The main boiler was also shut down, which affected heat to nearly all campus buildings.

As of 4:15 Monday, water was restored to all areas of campus and the main boiler was turned back on. "You may notice for a while the water may initially be tinted brown," Assistant Director of Physical Plant Fay Beeler said. "This is normal and should go away as the water is used."

Villa Maria Hall Resident Joel Simard said the water outage caused problems in Villa.

"I walked by one of the rooms and a guy had left his faucet on in hopes that the water would turn back on and now his room is flooded," said Simard. "He doesn't know yet, I just left him a message."