ASUP resolution asks for conversation hour

By The Beacon | February 13, 2013 9:00pm

(The Beacon)

By Will Lyons, Staff Writer

Finding a good time to hold club meetings is a struggle for senior Lauren Mucha, president of the Mesa Redonda Spanish conversation club.

"It's hard enough to coordinate between the club officers and our advisor, let alone our participants," Mucha said.

The ASUP senate passed Resolution 13-02 Monday to create a weekly conversation hour to make it easier for clubs and other student activities to meet. The resolution is subject to the administration's approval.

ASUP Vice President Kyle Hamm said the conversation hour won't have any effect on course offerings while making it easier for students to participate in on campus activities.

"We're asking for a reshuffle of the course schedule," Hamm, a senior, said. "This way we still have the same amount of time for classes."

According to Hamm, the resolution supports the creation of an hour block once a week during which no core or mandatory classes for specific majors are taught.

The resolution's sponsor, freshman Brooke Murphy, thinks the conversation hour would increase student participation on campus.

"It will be beneficial for both students and the school," Murphy said.

According to Murphy, if the registrar can schedule a conversation hour, it will not start until the 2014-2015 school year because next academic year is already planned.

For club leaders like Mucha, creating a conversation hour might help increase club participation and cohesion.

"If students are interested and they don't come, it's because they have other commitments," Mucha said. "It would be a lot easier to plan if there was a time where no one had class."