Faces on The Bluff

By The Beacon | September 3, 2012 9:00pm

Tim Kang (Jackie Jeffers)

By Jackie Jeffers

We asked: Where will you study without the library this year?


"Probably my room or the Pilot House." Ailish Thornhill, Junior, Second Education and English


"I'll be in my room." Matthew Hill, Senior, General Studies


"I don't want to give away my hiding spot!" Tim Kang, Freshman, Biology


"I'm not sure. When the weather is nice, outside!" Melinda Capps. Junior. Biology.


"At my house." Jacob Akaka. Sophomore. Environmental Ethics & Policy

Melinda Capps (Jackie Jeffers)

Matthew Hill (Jackie Jeffers)

Jacob Akaka (Jackie Jeffers)

Ailish Thornhill (Jackie Jeffers)