UP to host Portland mayoral debate

By The Beacon | April 19, 2012 9:00pm

Debate will be on television, radio and online

Charlie Hales (Photo courtesy of Charlie Hales for Mayor)

By Kathryn Walters, Staff Writer -- walters14@up.edu

UP is set to play a part in the Portland mayoral race April 26, when UP will host a debate for the top candidates Jefferson Smith, Eileen Brady and Charlie Hales in the Buckley Center Auditorium.

"It'll be the first opportunity for many people to listen to the candidates in a long form," Dennis Glasgow, program director for KPAM AM 860 and KKOV AM 1550 and an organizer for the debate, said. "It's a great opportunity for people to hear candidates talk about things that are important to them."

UP was chosen to host the debate because of its close connection to Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. He founded the Pamplin Media Group, which is sponsoring the debate, and provided funding for UP's Pamplin School of Business Administration.

"It gives young people at UP a chance to see who their new mayor would be and participate," Glasgow said.

The mayoral debate will be unique in that Portlanders can attend, listen to or watch the debate live through multiple forms of media. The debate will be broadcast commercial-free on KPAM AM 860, streamed live on kpam.com as well as be a live webcast with The Portland Tribune and KOIN.

"We're hoping that students and faculty will be there, but because it's during the day, we're making it available on as many platforms as we can," Glasgow said.

The debate will take the form of a panel, where Bob Miller of KPAM AM 860, president of the Portland Tribune, Mark Garber and Mike Donahue of KOIN will ask the candidates specific questions on issues pertinent to the Portland community. The panelists will decide which issues they would like to focus on.

There will be time for 10 to 15 questions, with answers and rebuttals from the candidates. Audience members will also have the chance to ask the candidates their own questions. Those who watch or listen to the debate on the Internet, radio or television can tweet their questions or post them to Facebook.

"This is a really unique opportunity to possibly ask questions of the candidates and maybe even meet them," Glasgow said. "We're looking forward to it."


Attend the debate

Thursday, April 26 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in the Buckley Center Auditorium

Jefferson Smith (Photo courtesy of Jefferson Smith for Mayor)

Eileen Brady (Photo courtesy of Eileen Brady for Mayor)