Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences leaves for Seattle

By The Beacon | April 19, 2012 9:00pm

(The Beacon)

By Hannah Gray

After five years, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Fr. Stephen Rowan is leaving UP to work at the Archdiocese of Seattle, where he will be the Superintendent of Catholic Schools.

While the University searches for a new dean, Ethics Professor Michael Andrew will serve as the interim dean, when Rowan leaves Aug. 15.

"In his five years as dean, the College has grown in all areas, students, faculty, programs and increasing external recognition of excellence," University President Fr. Bill Beauchamp said in an email. "His leadership and hard work have been responsible for the impressive growth of the College, and it is almost impossible to think of any development over the past five years that he has not shepherded."

May 4, there will be a reception in honor of Rowan in Buckley Center room 163 from 3:30 to 5 p.m.