Mack's Market: How do the prices compare with New Seasons?

By Hannah Baade and Jenna Rossiter | September 15, 2016 11:06pm

Many students complain that the prices at Macks Market have grown exceedingly high. How do the prices compare with a grocery store like New Seasons?

Media Credit: Hannah Baade / The Beacon

We all love the weekly, or sometimes daily, visit to Mack’s Market. Students generally don’t pay much attention to the prices because it’s the only on-campus option. It is required to have a meal plan if you live on campus, but did you ever notice how much you are spending on groceries compared to the local grocery store?

Students like sophomore business major María Montt are outraged that they are paying such high prices at Mack’s.

“The prices at Mack’s are ridiculous and sometimes we don’t think we’re spending the money because we have already paid for it, but if you stop and look, you’ll realize we are paying at least a dollar more each product,” Montt said.

We’ve broken down the prices a typical shopping list would come to at both Mack’s and New Seasons: