Senior wisdom: Elvia Gaona

By The Beacon | April 14, 2015 12:19pm

Today's wisdom features former ASUP vice president Elvia Gaona, who is the first person to choose Franz bagels as the best eating on campus and who imparts some serious truth about personal growth at UP.


Name: Elvia Gaona Hometown: Hillsboro, OR Major: Political Science

What is your UP claim to fame? Most people on campus know me because of my involvement with ASUP (student government) and other clubs on campus.

When I was a freshman… I never went to bed before 2 a.m. (To be clear, this was not because of homework or studying.) There was always something to do with roommates and friends, like binge-watching TV shows on Netflix.

Best piece of advice you received from someone during your time here?

It is important to recognize how much you have grown during your time at UP, regardless of how satisfied or unsatisfied you are at the moment.  Personal growth (no matter how incremental) is something that no one can take away from you.  –Dr. Matt Baasten

What are three pieces of wisdom you learned during your time at UPortland that you want to impart to those coming next?

  1. Find something to identify with and be a part of it. (i.e. Mock Trial, Intramurals, Hall
Council, Campus Ministry, etc.)
  1. Go talk to professors during office hours.  I’m not talking about going and asking for
extra help or an extension, like actually go talk to them and get to know them!
  1. You can never call your parents too early, too late, or too soon.
The Commons or The Cove? I prefer The Cove for a quick breakfast and The Commons for everything else. But let’s be real: Franz bagels are the shit.

Best advice for experiencing Portland? Learn how to use public transit (seriously), and more bus lines than just the 44 and 35. TriMet is awesome and you can do so much in the Portland metro area if you take the time to explore!

The infamous… what’s next? I plan on attending law school in the fall, ideally in San Francisco or Washington D.C.

Any regrets? Absolutely not!