MLK day: Starting the semester with service

By The Beacon | January 19, 2015 6:19am

By Cassie Sheridan|

In honor of MLK Day, The Beacon has put together a list of community service opportunities for every personality type. Start your semester and new year with service, and consider devoting a couple days per month (or more!) to giving back while making new friends and connections with like-minded students.

For the outdoor enthusiast:

Friends of Trees: On Saturdays, students plant trees together throughout Portland, rain or shine. Friends of Trees is a great opportunity to get outside, get off campus and get your hands dirty while making new friends.

To get involved, contact campus coordinator Brooke Holmes, email: Or visit the Moreau Center webpage at For more information on friends of trees visit their website at

No Ivy League: Perhaps your only experience with pulling ivy was during the freshmen service day, of which you have less-than-stellar memories of. However, the No Ivy League has countless volunteer opportunities to remove ivy and spend time in some of the most beautiful parts of Portland.

Visit the No Ivy League website for ways to get involved:

For the education enthusiast:

Tutor at Roosevelt High School: Roosevelt High School seeks tutors for students across nearly every discipline. This program is a great way to get involved in the North Portland community.

To get involved contact campus coordinator Benjamin Constantino, email

For the Spanish major or primary education enthusiast:

Hacienda CDC: Hacienda CDC is an after-school program for housing developments with high populations from the Latino and African refugee communities. It’s a great opportunity to practice Spanish and interact with young children.

To get involved contact campus coordinator Samuel Lopez, email or visit the Hacienda CDC webpage at

For the food enthusiast:

St. Andre Bessette: Join campus volunteers at this Roman Catholic parish in downtown Portland while serving food, greeting guests and having good conversation over a meal. Additionally, you get to enjoy a free dinner!

To get involved contact the Moreau Center or visit their webpage here:

Still not finding anything enticing?

Visit the Moreau Center in St. Marys to find the right service project for you. Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Email: Visit their website at

If you live on campus (or if you want to revisit your old dorm) contact your resident SJC for more volunteer opportunities with the people that live around you. Contact information can be found here: