LGBTQ+ History Month is a time to reflect on UP’s queer history

Here is a timeline of prominent milestones from 1990 to today

By Kimberly Cortez | October 5, 2023 2:44pm
A student waves a pride flag at the Fr. Dan Parrish protest in 2022.
Media Credit: Ryan Reynolds / The Beacon

LGBTQ+ History Month is celebrated every October to recognize and remember the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community. Originated by Rodney Wilson in 1994, LGBTQ+ History Month is also celebrated in the same month as National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11. At UP, queer history is filled with grievances and strife — something that has tied together the history of the past to the present. Through all of this, UP’s queer community remains unified and vibrant, a reflection of the larger LGBTQ+ community in Portland. 

Click through the timeline below to be taken through each milestone from 1990 to where we are today.

Kimberly Cortez is the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Editor for The Beacon. They can be reached at