Opinion: Single-sex education gave me my voice

By Morgan Wahler | April 3, 2017 12:09am
by Annika Gordon / The Beacon

When my parents first told me I was being enrolled at an all-girls high school, I thought it was a disaster. How would I survive four years without guys? In our freshman year my classmates and I were still used to being in a co-ed environment, the majority of us were quiet. The most frequently asked question at orientation was “how can we meet boys?”

By senior year, our need for male approval and getting a boyfriend diminished and our goals became oriented to success.

Now, with my high school days completely in my rearview mirror, I can confidently say that attending an all-girls school that emphasizes feminism has helped me develop my voice and fortitude.

My four years at Presentation High School promoted the development of the whole woman with a holistic approach to feminism. I observed a change in my classmates after four years of a feminist approach to teaching.

I believe my experience at an all girls school was very different from what high school would have been like in a co-ed environment. While I’m sure single sex education isn’t for everyone, this school was the best academic and social setting for my individual development.

Taking boys out of the equation encourages girls to have a stronger voice in the classroom. I felt as though I had more confidence to speak up in class and I was eager to share my ideas. My self confidence grew in the academic setting and I found that my classmates and I took more advanced classes than friends at co-ed schools. As a sisterhood, we went through a pivotal time in our lives together and created a bond that strengthened my confidence in myself.

Every course underscored equality for all, so by the end of the four years, we all became avid feminists.

Experiencing high school at an all-girls school makes young girls hungry for success and gives them confidence and motivation. Single-sex education gave me my voice and my strong feelings towards equal opportunity for everyone.