Opinion: Time has built me

By Sara Ghyselinck | September 18, 2016 4:11pm

In second grade, as part of a lesson on telling time, my teacher instructed the whole class to put our heads down and shut our eyes. At the start of the minute she would say “go” and we would have to wait until we believed a minute passed before picking our heads up. The teacher’s intention was to give us some concept of time and, quite frankly, to give us an idea of what a minute was. Nearly 13 years have passed since and I am still learning about how time works.

Time is giving. In my past 22 years of living, I have been presented with numerous opportunities to work, play, laugh and love. I have met people who have positively influenced me and I have been able to do the same for others. Time has allowed me to learn; time has allowed me to expand my mind with what is around me and what is inside of me. Specifically, in the last couple of years, I have gotten to explore all the nooks that lie inside of me and I have learned very important information. I discovered little things like my fondness toward quiet mornings where the world still seems to be sleeping and playing bouncy ball in-between classes. I also realized bigger things like what I place value in and how I find purpose in walking with others. Most importantly, time gave me the best peace of mind I will ever have: I am enough as I am.

Time also takes. Time is the biggest thief I know and, unfortunately, it will never have to face the consequences of its actions. Time has taken weeks, months, even years from me. Time has taken opportunities. And the very worst thing was when time stole my two friends. Merely a few months apart and at the beginning of a new chapter, time acted quickly. Time has no boundaries.

Time is a balancing act. Though it takes, it also gives. Though it may seem complicated, it is simple in the way that a person has no control over it. Though it may seem like an enemy and a thief, it is also a friend. Time has become a dear friend. It has allowed me to appreciate those around me and what is inside of me. Time has built me; time has made me strong and wise. Often not acknowledged, time has given me so much.