Director of Athletics: Fan code of conduct will promote inclusion

By The Beacon | February 6, 2014 2:08am

Scott Leykam |

To the Campus Community,

As The Beacon reported on Jan. 30, there was a recent incident at one of our men's home basketball games that was unfortunate and misrepresentative of what Pilots Athletics is all about.

The Athletic Department is finalizing a Fan Code of Conduct that will, in partnership with Residence Life, Student Activities and Public Safety, clearly articulate action steps to prevent and handle situations that may arise in the future. This year, more than any year in recent history, we have enjoyed great support from our student sections at Merlo Field and the Chiles Center and we deeply appreciate the student body's enthusiasm and support. With that being said, we regret that some UP students were disrespectful and made fellow members of the student body uncomfortable during a recent home basketball game. The Athletic Department will not tolerate unacceptable fan behavior at any of our athletic contests.

Our goal as an Athletic Department is to wholeheartedly support both the University's mission statement and Statement on Inclusion. We are committed, and looking forward to, being a part of more detailed and timely discussions on these issues as UP continues to broaden and deepen awareness about matters of inclusion which impact us all and make our community stronger.

Scott Leykam is the Director of Athletics. He can be reached at