Listen up in class...or leave

By The Beacon | November 11, 2010 9:00pm

By Ellany Saxton, Guest Commentary

I am becoming increasingly disappointed with my fellow UP students and the level of disrespect I see daily in class.

Yesterday while sitting in class listening to a student group presentation I looked around the class and saw at least three students on their laptops, several texting and many others working on homework for other classes. Is this really acceptable behavior?

I realize that we are all busy, and maybe listening to a presentation isn't our idea of a good time. Maybe our time could be better spent on Facebook looking at party pictures from this weekend or completing an assignment for a different class. If that's the case, then I suggest not coming to class.

If someone is literally so busy, or so bored, that they cannot dedicate a half hour of respect to our fellow classmates, who obviously have worked incredibly hard to try to capture our attention with their presentation, then maybe that person ought to re-examine their schedule.

I feel that as adults we do not need to have our professors police our behavior, but perhaps that is what it comes down to. Our professors need to take charge of their classroom and realize that this disrespect is unacceptable. Also, student presenters ought to call out these rude classmates. I expect my classmates to at least pretend to be paying attention to my presentation, and I will do the same for them.

I admit, I am guilty of checking Facebook in class or texting during lectures. I recognize the level of disregard this shows for the hard work of my classmates and my professors, and I apologize. Please, UP, let's be adults and respect each other.

Ellany Saxton, senior, nursing major