Chivalry aside, men and women should be equals

By The Beacon | November 11, 2010 9:00pm

By Morgan Hecht, Guest Commentary

Last week's article, "Where has all the chivalry gone?" was not only blatantly offensive to every male on campus, but it insulted the female population here at UP as well.

The whole of the article can be summed up in one sentence — "Call it the stereotypical college atmosphere, but no guy seems to want a girlfriend anymore." The entire article did just that — it played into the most unflattering and brutish stereotypes for men and the most insultingly cliché conventions of women as well.

It basically said that all college guys are interested in is getting laid, and all women want is a man to provide for them. Furthermore, it implied that all women are looking for a good ole' boy from the 1950's to give us their lettermen's jackets.

We no longer live in an era where a woman is not allowed to pay for her own meal, women today have opportunities where they can provide for themselves better than have been able to in the past. Also, reducing men on campus to being solely interested in hooking up puts all men in one category and perpetuates the myth that all males just want sex.

Moreover, implying that the dating "problem" comes from the fact that 61 percent of the campus is female makes it seem like it is a bad thing that our campus is majority female. This interpretation undermines the fact that women haven't been attending college until relatively recently — UP didn't allow women to study in any other school than nursing until 1951.

To make this shift in 60 years is quite amazing and should not be seen as hindrance for landing a date. I hope the fact that men and women on campus are engaging in more progressive forms of dating (where men don't have to have all the pressure put on them) can be appreciated as a mark of improvement and making things more equal for everyone. In my opinion if you truly respect a woman you will treat her as your equal; no one sex should be expected to do all the work in dating.

-Morgan Hecht, junior, English Studies